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Tribes of Midgard: Is the Koop Game worthwhile with Vikingern?

Midgard is now a new co-op game with Vikingers and much Nordic mythology. But what is that for a game and is worth gambling Tribes of Midgard? Meinmmo author Jürgen Horn has looked closer to the game.

What is Tribes of Midgard actually? Tribes of Midgard was originally interpreted as a survival MMO in many places. However, it is rather a co-op game with a maximum of 10 players. But there is also a solo mode.

In the game, it is then exploring the world to collect resources and treasures and to use them to protect a seedling of the YGGDrasil world tree. Because gruesome monsters from the Dead Rich Helheim and tremendous giants from the wild country Jötunheim hate world trees and do nothing dear to sparkle as your defenseless seedling.

Therefore, you constantly believe between exploring and collecting and defending the seedling back and forth. Tribes of Midgard is more of a tower defense game with survival and RPG elements.

Who played it? As a big fan of everything to do with Wikingern and Nordic Sagas, Jürgen Horn is predestined to play Tribes of Midgard. Besides, Jürgen Survival Games and Koop Games likes. For his application report, Jürgen has spent a total of 7 hours in Saga mode with friends and also in solo play.

A game, so merciless like the fimbulwinter

That's how it started: At the beginning of Tribes of Midgard I build a Viking in the character editor. But that's so cart like the floors of Greenland. I can just set a few hairstyles, three faces, hair and skin color as well as the gender of my viking.

But well, I have now not expected a detailed editor à la Black Desert and let go with the tutorial. That's good kept short and is headed by the two cute cats of the goddess Freya. The fluffy kitty explain me how I collect resources and fight. After 10 minutes I know the necessary and can get started right right.

That's why I was eternally naked: Together with a friend we start the first right session in Saga mode. This is the regular game mode in which you have to hold long enough, until you find the saga boss on his island and kills.

But until then it is a further, stony path, because we come to the rainbow bridge Bifrock naked and unarmed.

To collect first resources for the production of equipment, I have to stuck and find a flint, but the damn stuff is nowhere around. I'm looking for a wolf and find everything possible, just not these resources. But I actually wolves, wild boars and scary black albums.

At some point my buddy calls me back to the village and shows me that he had more luck and has the necessary resources. Finally, I can tinker pants, armor and sword and shield.

Every mistake has consequences: With my new stuff we go out again in the wilderness to bring the black albums. In a large warehouse in the north of our village, these nastily headed pipes and make fun of us. We show it!

The first albums we hust up easily, but then suddenly comes a kind of boss, a black album witch. Besides, I am so awkward and stand too close to a funny ball, which suddenly explodes. So we are both dead, the witch laughs at us even more and we lose all our stuff!

Although our Vikings - we finally play immortal Easy Jar from Walhalla - after 5 seconds back on the village, but we have lost everything up to our equipment: all collected resources and all "souls". This is a kind of universal currency that you get through quite every activity in the game in more or less large amount.

The lost resources are lucky enough to find out when achieving the place of his previous death, but the souls are gone forever, which is currently hurting, if you have already shocked many of them. As in our case.

The nights are so bad: Because the souls we would have to be needed to attach our village. The village is already rudimentary already available, but if we want goals, watchtowers with protect and improved NPCs, we have to pour everything with souls and other resources.

Therefore, we can build quasi nothing and see Bang our first night. Because as once in the PVE mode of Fortnite come in the night dangerous creatures crawled from the depths of the Dead Rich and grab three sides from the village and the seedling in the middle.

Without fasteners, these Hel-being simply march through and celebrate the great Ragnarök Ringelpietz in front of the innocent tree. However, we are not a weak dairy drinker, but stimulated Vikings and so we hust up the abominations from Helheim back where they came here.

That's happened when the giant came: The following nights make fun of a little better, as we now have the bow out and do not die so often. Only once I die pretty embarrassing because I accidentally bouncy bouncing in the water and immediately doing. Vikings can not seem to swim.

But water is not our problem, but fire! More specifically, a gigantic fire giant named Hálogi. He is so big that he barely fits on the screen! The Titan has been marching on our village for some time, but since we had not discovered him on the map, the threat remains abstract.

Until the giant cattle suddenly stands in front of our goals! We just build the gate ready and can still stop the giants.

For this he is now skining on the gate with his flame sword and we arrive in return the ankles of the Jötun like Berserker. But that does not help everything, because soon afterwards our goal breaks together and Hálogi Tipert cozy on the seedling. Each resistance is meaningless and the seedling glowed in the Flame Tool of the Jötun.

Our first session in Tribes of Midgard does not end with fame in the saying and free-MET in Walhalla, but with a crashing defeat. Somewhere in Asgard, Allvater Odin shakes his head ...

fail and get up again and again

It went on: Luckily, there is more than one seedling in Midgard and we can ran again. New tree, new luck. On the second time we are cautious and go more planned. In addition, we have released at our first attempt at least one starter kit and can start fully equipped.

In addition, the journey does not matter this time and we even make first fortifications and motions on the NPCs.

But then we get a completely different problem.

That's why giants are not the only problem: Every few nights attracts an elastic blood moon. We ignore the bad Omen and therefore do not be astonished, as suddenly uneven stronger HEL monsters of the night flow into our camp. In the end, even a particularly thick bare, which converts us with a nasty AOE effect and brings the seedling with dark magic for wither.

Again we fails dies, and the giant was not even there!

Also further attempts and a trip in solo mode always fail. We continue a few days, but at some point either the giants or HEL creatures are superior and we do not manage to retrofit in good time. But instead of frustration, the constant failure motivates again and again to the new beginning. Yet.

Can the game motivate in the long run?

These are the current problems: The question is just how long the game motivates. After all, Tribes of Midgard plays like the PVE mode of Fortnite and the game principle is always the same: collecting resources, upgrading, explore world and ward off the ever-serious opponent waves every night.

This creates a steady threat and each error can cost a game. For example, if you want to bring a four-digit number of souls just back to the warehouse and doof on the way device and loses everything.

But I can also imagine that at some point the air is out and you have already seen everything. At the latest when the saga boss is once, one should hardly have motivation to make it all. Although the developers have announced regular season updates with new bosses and quests, but they should be done often and quickly to do enough.

This needs Tribes of Midgard Still: A round in Tribes of Midgard can take a long time and when it runs stupid, you die shortly before reaching the target. Therefore, it would be great if the game would offer more modes that allow some more entertaining fun.

And more cosmetics and customization options would certainly do the game well, because the hunt for ever new costumes and objects would provide more motivation. But who knows, maybe the developers have planned everything anyway, the game is just beginning.

TRIBES OF MIDGARD How To Get Golden Horns And What To Use Them For! Platinum Coins Too!

* Conclusion - a game that does not let me go - but I'm afraid the day I let go *

I have waited eagerly on Tribes of Midgard and was not disappointed. I already like the game because of the many lovable details, such as those of the names taken from the Giants or the Launa Art Language of the NPCs, which is a mixture of Swedish and Icelandic.

In addition, the hearty level of difficulty of the game motivates me and I want to try again and again, even if I only end up at the end only one day or can still kill a giant.

All this motivates me to continue playing and I'm always looking forward to the closing time when I defend again as a Seherjar to Midgard trip and the Setzling.

But I already get that that makes me much motivate me if I first laid the Saga Boss. Because so heavy and unreachable this goal is straight, it will irritate me that makes everything possible again. Here the developers have to quickly replete content so that players are not bored too soon.

Jürgen Horn Editor at Meinmmo

Tribes of Midgard makes great fun, but alone can be quite fast exhausting. But even solo is the new co-op game definitely to master. If you have difficulties, you will find us on Meinmommo support:

5 Tips for Solo Players in Tribes of Midgard - How To Make the Koop Game Alone


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