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FIFA 22: These are the main errors before its launch

FIFA 22 presents at this time its period of anticipated access with EA PLAY. The company urges all its followers to submerge in the 10-hour test available platforms part of the service. That is available before your arrival on October 1 means that some other unpresected problem can be sneered in its launch.

EA Sports hplatforms published a Trello where you share what mistakes are investigating and which ones have been fixed. We tell you the most outstanding.

Problems known in FIFA 22

Transferable market at FUT

When you lists a letter in the FUT Transferable Market, if the starting price is below the price of the immediate purchplatformse, players can receive an error that blocks the letter from being listed in the transferable market .

Affected platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox series X | S, Xbox One

Race mode

After completing a game, players can fail when carrying the after-game interview .

Affected Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia

Ultimate Team

The indicator of the user interface is not appearing after winning 2 consecutive matches. This problem is only visual and will appear after achieving the third consecutive victory. The victory chain bonus applies correctly after winning 2 consecutive matches.

Affected platforms: ps5, ps4, xbox series x | s, xbox one and pc

When the rewards are available in Fut Rivals, it is shown incorrectly 10 Rank Division 1. This is just a visual error and players will receive the dedicated rewards when redeeming them.

Affected Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia

When you try to make the matchmaking in division rivals, some players can not enter a meeting point and see a message from starting .

Affected platforms: ps5


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