It was on July 13, 2021 when Red Dead Online received blood money, the last great expansion for this title. Since then, Rockstar has been in charge of keeping active servers and providing minor updates. Along with this, a couple of days ago it was confirmed that developers would stop creating new content to focus on the next GTA chapter. Thus, yesterday the funeral of red dead online was held.
Although it is still possible to access red Dead online and enjoy all their content, fans have already taken this title dead. Without a year of new content, and without plans for future significant updates, yesterday, July 13, 2022, The players carried out a funeral for this title , where they shared images, anecdotes, and remembered With love all the moments that marked this online experience.
Today is the day when the community presents its respects to a game that many of us love, and we would like to have received more love from Rockstar. So log in today and take some beers in Valentine or Blackwater Semi andard.
I can't believe that one of the best games in our generation does not receive a Next Gen. Rockstar Management patch is something else.
At least give us a patch for Story Mode Rockstar, something that made RDR2 great and a masterpiece.
R.I.P. Red Dead Online.
Great community, excellent graphics and game elements.
Have many content creators willing to support
But potential waste by r*…
R* Now they are EA twins.
I hope Microsoft is willing to buy intellectual property of RDR.
As we already mentioned, Red Dead Online_ remains active . However, given the lack of new content and after this funeral, it is very likely that the number of active players will gradually decrease. The only one who can relive this game is Rockstar, and it seems that at the moment there is no intention of doing this.
In related issues, it seems that the Next-Gen version of red Dead Redemption 2 was canceled. Similarly, rowers of gta iv and red dead redempion also suffered the same destination.
Editor's note:
It is a real pity what has happened with red dead online. It is clear that GTA has a higher priority for the company, but they could well allocate a small team to continue creating content for this game.
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