Adult animation series have found a new golden era on Streaming platforms, either by the possibility of reaching a greater audience or by the original productions of each study. Netflix Take several years betting on all kinds of adult drawings series, from the eschatological Big Mouth, the impressive Anime de Castlevania or its particular vision of American families with f is for family . This month has arrived a very original project to the platform with UltraSecretos ( inside Job, in the original version), a new series of adult animation created by Shion Takeuchi that has Alex Hirsch ( GRAVITY FALLS ) As an executive producer. This Adult Animation Series of 10 Episodes focuses on the activities of Cognito Inc , a secret agency that is responsible for hiding the biggest conspiracies and controlling the world in secret. The day-to-day of the young genius Reagan Ridley includes everything, from building a robot to replace the president of the United States until protecting the Hippie...